We can provide comprehensive support for both German and non-German nationals when founding new companies in Germany:
We will identify the most appropriate legal form, which will depend on various aspects such as the size of the company, finance, the flexibility desired for restructuring, internal organisation and staff participation, matters of liability and, last but not least, taxation.
In addition, we will draw up and check the required contracts i.e. for company agreements, managing partnership agreements, employment contracts, rental, purchasing and sales contacts as well as any General Terms and Conditions required.
We can even handle administrative aspects of the foundation process and deal with authorities for you. In such cases we will represent you as far as possible at the Tax Office, Trade Office, the Commercial Registry or else – where persons not resident in Germany are involved – to foreign authorities.
For existing companies, we can advise on any possibilities for optimising legal and taxation matters by changing to a different legal form or restructuring. Conversions or restructuring of his type is often recommended where there are changes to the size, setup or liability risks or in case of changes to existing laws, for instance when new company forms are launched.